Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Ep. 61 – Just Breathe

“Breathe in and tell yourself that a new day has been offered to you, and you have to be here to live it.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to Day 11!

For the past week and a half on this 21-Day Nature Challenge, it may have felt like you’ve asked to do a lot, think a lot, make a lot of observations, and then write them all down in your journal. Who has time to do all this?

I know, it may feel like a lot to ask for a busy soccer-mom, businessman, student, active and dutiful grandparent, or any other ordinary human being living on planet Earth in the 21st century.

If this challenge has taken you out of your comfort zone and your daily routine, I want to apologize.  I want to apologize for not having made this opportunity and challenge available to you sooner!

Life for most of us is not necessarily healthy, and often leaves us feeling empty, dissatisfied and hungering and longing for something more.

Your body knows when you’re not getting all the nutrients it needs and will tell you so by feeling run down, getting sick, and just basically feeling overall lethargic.

It’s the same with your soul. Time spent in Nature is not a waste. As you know deep in your soul, it is a life-giving, healing and rejuvenating, worthwhile activity. We all need more Vitamin N.

This journey back into Nature is about returning to simplicity and shouldn’t feel like one more thing that you should, or have to do. It’s about having fun, and enjoying the fact that you are living your authentic life, developing new, natural and healthy habits on a day-to-day basis, for the sake of being a more mindful, healthier, happier you.

So, today we’re just going to ask you to do only one thing. And while it may seem like a simple request, it may be the hardest thing you’ve been challenged with yet on this adventure.

We’re going to ask you to Breathe.


What? How is that a challenge?

Let me rephrase, we are going to ask you to breathe and just stay focused on your breathing. When you’re outdoors today, you’re simply just going to be mindful of your breath, grateful for the fact that you are breathing – breathing out the old and the stale, and breathing in the new and the fresh, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen.

As you do, you will find yourself becoming more mindful of, and grateful for the plants and trees which produce this life-giving elixir, and for the breezes and even strong winds which cleanse the earth by pushing out the old, stagnant air, bringing fresh sources of ventilation with it.

Before sending you out the door today, we’re going to stop and do a five-minute meditation.

For the past 10 days, we have been talking and thinking and practicing what I call an “active meditation” – ruminating on strengthening our powers of observation, nature’s goodness and health benefits, and all the things we are grateful for. But today, we are going to just pause, take five, and do a simple breathing meditation before heading out the door.

And then as you walk, or run, bike, or whatever you end up doing for your time spent outside, simply continue to be mindful of your breath and the gift of breath, while enjoying the world around you.


Breathing Meditation

Get in a comfortable, upright position with your feet on the floor, hands on your thighs or in your lap, eyes gently closed, and take a few deep, cleansing breaths in, and out, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth…

When you feel a little more settled and relaxed, allow your breathing to return to its normal rhythm… Now simply observe the rise and fall of your chest, and the rhythm and flow of your breath without trying to change it… Just notice it moving in and out of your lungs.

Feel your stomach and chest gently rise with each in breath, and fall with the out breath. Now allow your whole body and inner being to completely melt into relaxation, as you breathe in… and as you breathe out.

As you breathe in, say in your mind, “Breathing in, I know I am breathing in”, and as you exhale, “Breathing out, I know I am breathing out”…

While focusing on your breath, if other thoughts come in, no worries, just allow them to pass like puffy white clouds in the sky.

Continue focusing on your breath sinking deeper and deeper into total relaxation…

Now, count your breath for 10 counts in… and out…

Slowly allow yourself to resurface and continue your day. Well done!


MEDITATION: Day 11 – “Just Breath” (Breathing Meditation) (Listen to this meditation on iTunes or here at Mountain Zen Den.)

NATURE WALK: 20 minutes outside, simply taking in fresh oxygen, and exhaling carbon dioxide. Enjoy the world around you. This is meant to be fun!

JOURNAL: What did you notice about your breath while meditating? What did you notice about your breath while spending time outdoors? One thing you are grateful for today.

Remember to post your pictures, experiences, observations and questions, and share them on our 21-Day Nature Challenge Facebook Community Group page. Thanks!




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