Welcome to Walden Wednesday on the Mountain!
I want to reward you with something a little different than what we typically experience during our traditional meditation time.
In past episodes we have occasionally shared passages from Walden and other great writings and literature, relating to cultivating the rich wisdom, mindfulness and simplicity found in Nature.
In 1845, American naturalist, poet, writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau decided to try a grand “experiment”. In his own words,
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
We’re going to offer more of these classics set in nature on a regular basis to help still your heart and mind, to just absorb the thoughts, ideas, philosophy and writings of some of the greatest thinkers who ever lived. And then we are going to give you a little more time at the end to allow these treasures to settle into your soul and perhaps become a part of you.
As you listen to today’s offering, you might want to ask yourself this simple question.
“What do I really need?”
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