Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 98 – The First Principle in The Science of Getting Rich
Abundance, Nature, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Personal Transformation, Podcast, Self-Development, Success
Photo Brett Wilson Great to have you here for another Walden Wednesday here at Mountain Zen Den, where we intentionally carve a few moments out of our day in a relaxing nature setting. We do this for the purpose of slowing the heart and mind down enough to truly listen, and absorb the thoughts, ideas, philosophies and writings of great thinkers, naturalists and appreciaters of Nature like Emerson, Whitman and Thoreau. And then at the end we give you a little time to just “Be”, and settle into a deeper state of awareness as you go through your day, fully-awake, fully-present, alive and intentionally growing into the person you desire to become. Here you will find: Nature-based Listening… for the mindful Nature-lover. And, Learn the Art of Slowing Down, and…