Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 130 – Mirrors of the Earth with Asia Suler

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 130 – Mirrors of the Earth with Asia Suler

Health, Herbalism, Nature, Podcast, Well-being
Ep 130 - Mirrors in the Earth with Asia Suler “Nature is hungry to interact with us.  It wants connection…if you take one step, the world rushes in to meet you.”  ~ Asia Suler One of my favorite aphorisms is “Affirm Truth wherever you find it.”  It’s a philosophy I have more recently come to hold dear and try to live by every day that I’m alive, because I’m finding that as I seek Truth, capital “T”, on my own “Hero’s Journey” as Joseph Campbell would put it, I am stretched a little out of my comfort zone.  There was a time in my younger days where I felt like I really understood it all, and pretty much knew what Life and the Universe was all about.  But I began…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 125 – On the ANT (Autism Nature Trail) with Gail Serventi

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 125 – On the ANT (Autism Nature Trail) with Gail Serventi

Autism & Nature, Health, Nature, Podcast
MZD Podcast - Ep. 125 On the ANT (Autism Nature Trail) with Gail Serventi Here at MZD we talk all the time about the beautiful healing powers of Nature and the importance of connecting with Nature for mindfulness and personal growth… Well today we’re going to take you on a beautiful Nature trail in Letchworth State park about an hour south of Rochester, New York.  Shaped like an ant from a bird’s eye view, this trail offers a first-of-its-kind experience in nature designed for visitors on the autism spectrum – but appropriate and enjoyable for all abilities and ages.  It is designed to encourage inclusivity and skill-building, combat isolation, and provide a connection to the natural world in a deep nature setting that is welcoming to all. We had a…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 106 – Human Hibernation (Flowing with the Rhythms of Nature)

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 106 – Human Hibernation (Flowing with the Rhythms of Nature)

Health, Nature, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Personal Transformation, Podcast, Self-Development, Well-being
Photo Brett Wilson MZD Podcast - Ep. 106 Human Hibernation Welcome to the Mountain! Every season has its purpose and has something to teach us. The Dead of Winter – Teaches us about Hibernation & Dormancy Dormancy: The state of having normal physical functions suspended or slowed for a period of time.The state of being temporarily inactive or inoperative -Dormancy is when living things such as plants are awaiting the necessary environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, nutrient availability, etc. 4 TYPES OF DORMANCY Hibernation – low metabolic rate, reduced heart rate, slow breathing and lowered body temperature.Obligate hibernators– can sleep regardless of access to food and temperatures. Ex. European Hedgehogs, mouse lemurs, various ground squirrels & butterflies Facultative hibernators– hibernate when it’s too cold and the food supply decreased…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 70 – Energy & Abundance

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 70 – Energy & Abundance

21-Day Nature Challenge, Health, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Development, Podcast, Uncategorized
  “Abundance is not something we acquire.  It is something we tune into." ~ Wayne Dyer “Today’s show is brought to you by Nature, kid-tested, mother approved!” Welcome to Day 20! How would you like to have a limitless supply of energy and abundance? Guess what?  Nature is its own natural resource with a limitless supply of energy and abundance!  Who knew?! Think about it.  Solar power, wind and water, coal, wood, petroleum, all provide incredible sustainable, and renewable sources of energy.  Shoot, you can make a battery out of a potato! And when you look at the planet, in spite of the way we treat it, yields an abundance of fruits and vegetables, grains and nuts and dairy and meat sources.  Natural resources abound on this planet! The way…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 65 – Walking for Your Life!

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 65 – Walking for Your Life!

21-Day Nature Challenge, Health, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Development, Podcast, Well-being
  Welcome to Day 15!  Walking for Your Life! (Nature for the Health of It) Let’s talk about something we have been doing since we were toddlers; something so ordinary, so seemingly unremarkable and ordinary that we daily take it for granted. Walking. When was the last time you thought, “Ok, I’m going to stand up now and walk over to the kitchen sink… Now I’m going to walk over to get my car keys and then walk to the car.”? It’s almost like breathing, (whose importance we daily need to be reminded of as well). Unless you've been in an accident, or are in some sort of physical rehabilitation, you probably just don’t ever think about it. Pretty much since the day we first learned how to walk as…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 56 – Putting It All Together (Full Awareness)

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 56 – Putting It All Together (Full Awareness)

21-Day Nature Challenge, Health, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Personal Development, Podcast, Well-being
“I arise today through the strength of heaven; Light of sun, radiance of moon, splendor of fire, speed of lightning, swiftness of wind, depth of sea, stability of earth, firmness of rock. ~ Saint Patrick Your deepest roots are in nature.  No matter who you are, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation. ~ Charles Cook Welcome to Day 6! Putting It All Together (Full awareness) Wow, you’ve almost completed your first week of the 21-Day Nature Challenge.  Great work! Now that you have begun sharpening all your senses, (or at least the ones you are aware of) one by one, in a mindful way out in nature, it’s time to just step back and be aware of what just happened.…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 53 – Wake Up & Smell the World

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 53 – Wake Up & Smell the World

21-Day Nature Challenge, Health, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Development, Podcast, Well-being
“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” ~ Gerard De Nerval Welcome to day 3!   Our intention for the day is to follow our noses. Or at least pay attention to the gift of smell. The practical purpose of our proboscis’, (that is our noses), is one of the most overlooked, (pardon the pun), powers we have been bestowed with. While animals have a much greater ability to use their noses for tracking and differentiating between vast numbers of varying smells, the human sense of smell is still quite acute.  In fact, we can recognize thousands of different smells.  This is because we have around five or six million odor-detecting cells high up in our nasal passages.  On the other hand, rabbits have about a hundred million of…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Ep. 50 – Get Outside ~ Now!

Mountain Zen Den ~ Ep. 50 – Get Outside ~ Now!

Health, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Development, Podcast, Well-being
  “Every day is an opportunity to find ways big and small to transform our lives and to grow spiritually.” ~ Bobby Williams   There is a Norwegian concept known as “Friluftsliv”. Hard to pronounce, but a great philosophy to live by. Basically it’s about being outside as much as possible. It’s come to embody Norway’s cultural love affair with Nature. First introduced in 1859, Friluftsliv refers to uplifting ambience. One of the best ways you can enjoy the simple moments in an uplifting ambience in life is by going for regular walks. There are many reasons you should head out the door and take a walk right now.  Here are just a few of them - Fresh air Sunshine Exercise A Treat for All of Your Senses Get Fresh…
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7 Reasons You Should Go for a Walk Right Now

7 Reasons You Should Go for a Walk Right Now

Blog Cabin, Health, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Development
  There is a Norwegian concept known as “Friluftsliv”. Hard to pronounce, great philosophy to live by. Basically it’s about being outside as much as possible. It has come to embody Norway’s cultural love affair with the natural world. First introduced in 1859, Friluftsliv, (go ahead, try to pronounce it out loud. I dare you!), refers to uplifting ambience. In fact, the rest of us could learn a lot from the Scandinavians. According to U.N. rankings, Denmark is known as the happiest country in the world, with the Norwegians coming in a close second. You may have encountered the word “hygge” (pronounced “Hue-Guh), in recent times. It is hard to translate, but at its’ essence it embraces a conscious appreciation of being in the moment and enjoying the coziness, contentment,…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 49 – Self-Development Through Nature

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 49 – Self-Development Through Nature

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Self-Development, Success, Well-being
  “What the false self fears more than anything else is change.” ~ Father Richard Rohr We all have different and varying opinions on the definition of success, but I think it’s say to say that we’d all agree that success in life is becoming what you want to be. The path you take to get there is up to you, but the fact is - Nature is a major catalyst in helping us get there faster! Here’s how: Everything alive is either growing or dying.  To be alive means to grow.  When you stop growing, you die. In his classic personal growth book, “The Science of Getting Rich”, author Wallace Wattles offers this universal wisdom – “The purpose of nature is the advancement and development of life… Every living…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 35 – Connecting with Animals (Part 1)

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 35 – Connecting with Animals (Part 1)

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity, Well-being
  We share the planet with beautiful wildlife and amazing creatures and don’t even realize the benefits we receive from them. There is often an intuitive connection that we immediately feel when in the presence of a non-human living being.  One of the things that attracts us to animals and that we especially love about our pets is their authenticity and trusting nature.  What you see is what you get.  They don’t play games with your emotions or generally try to hide the truth.  You don’t have to walk on eggshells around them, (unless they’re chickens).  They just are who they are and love you unconditionally. Have you ever thought about how amazing this is? What a gift! Join us for today's show!  Come on in...   Photo…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 34 – Tree-Mend-Us Trees!

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 34 – Tree-Mend-Us Trees!

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
Have you ever really stopped to think about and appreciate how amazing trees are?  I mean, picture this – what would the world be like if we didn’t have them? Well for starters, we’d all be dead because we depend on trees to take our exhaled carbine dioxide and turn it into wonderful, life-giving oxygen that we kinda depend on. There are many more benefits that trees bring to the earth besides producing oxygen.  Aside from the fact that they are beautiful and provide a rich aesthetic quality to the landscape, they provide shade, they yield delicious fruit and nuts and provide shelter and living quarters for birds and smaller animals, they soothe and relax us, they reduce pollution, improve the beauty of our neighborhoods and surroundings, lower our energy…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 31 – Creating Your Own Nature Zen Den

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 31 – Creating Your Own Nature Zen Den

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Success, Well-being
For some folks, winter-time is a time for personal hibernation, where you just want to crawl under the covers and eat and sleep and watch TV. Getting out in the frigid arctic air and taking a winter’s walk and getting some “Nature exposure” is the last thing you feel like doing. If you happen to be one of those kind of people, I have some good news for you!  There are plenty of other ways to get your Nature-fix" and stay mindfully inspired on a daily basis, capturing some of the goodness and benefits she has to offer without necessarily going outdoors or on a long hike or camping trip. You can set yourself up for success not only in connecting with nature, but for meditation by creating an environment…
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