Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 113 – Cultivating Presence

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 113 – Cultivating Presence

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Patience, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Personal Transformation, Podcast, Self-Development, Well-being
MZD Podcast - Ep. 113 Cultivating Patience Today we’re going to talk about… …Patience. Did you feel the tension in the pause, as your legs got jittery, your toes began to tap, and you wanted me to fill in the word and get on with today’s meditation? Patience is the heart of what mindfulness is all about.  It is the embodiment of living in the now.  We see examples of patience in nature all the time: Seeds planted in the soil take time to grow and stick their head above the soil, and bloom and grow and bear fruit and flowers and vegetables. (Clock time vs. Horticultural time). Caterpillars in cocoons take time to become beautiful, brilliant butterflies. Bees patiently gather pollen for nectar, one flower at a time. A…
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