Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 47 – Getting Unstuck

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 47 – Getting Unstuck

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity, Well-being
“You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” ~ Marianne Williamson “Perhaps the Earth can teach us, as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive.” ~ Pablo Neruda Do you ever feel stuck? Like a rodent caught in the rat race or the proverbial hamster wheel? We all get stuck from time to time and need a little shaking up to get out of the rut. We sometimes need a blast of fresh wind to clear the leaves and debris out of our yard, and to cleanse the impurities and stagnant air out of the atmosphere of our minds, so to speak. For today's show, we offer a short list of things you might try to help yourself…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 46 – Releasing Stress ~ By the River

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 46 – Releasing Stress ~ By the River

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity
  “A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” ~ Unknown Ever find yourself feeling stressed and anxious and not even really knowing why? You know that feeling that your mind is racing back and forth just trying to find something to worry about?  I know there are plenty of things, real problems and issues that cause stress, but at the same time, there is this constant hum or buzz of anxiety that just continues like static in the background of our minds, no matter how good or bad things are going currently in our lives. As a form of self-preservation, the human mind is conditioned to remain alert and look for dangers and problems. This is how we survived since time began.  But in…
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MZD – Ep 45 The Mindfulness Minute

MZD – Ep 45 The Mindfulness Minute

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast
  “Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it. ~ Sharon Salzberg Every sunrise is an opportunity to show up for your own life.  Every sunset does the same.  All the moments in between these two events are opportunities to just open up and enjoy the wonders of the world, and this miracle we call life.  If we don’t respond by showing up mentally and emotionally, it’s like watching a beautiful and sometimes scary and riveting movie, filled with action-packed scenes as well as tender and inspiring moments, and then either falling asleep, or being bored to death. Life is short.  That's why it is so important to practice presence throughout the day in little chunks of time - "Mindfulness Minutes". A great time to practice a…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 44 – Seeking Simplicity

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 44 – Seeking Simplicity

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity
“Simplicity is never a matter of circumstances; simplicity is always a matter of focus.” ~ Ann Voskamp There is something so wholesome and alluring about seeking the simplicity found in Nature, and escaping the craziness and cacophony of the man-made, synthetic world. Simplicity comes in many forms, but every one of these forms involves one thing – “Presence”. When there is worry and clutter and unresolved details in your inner and outer world, it’s easy to begin to lose a sense of presence, and be tempted to either, fall back into the past, filled with a sense of guilt, loss and regret.  Or, we tend to jump ahead into the future, surrounded by fear, anxiety and wistfulness –a longing for what is not yet here.  Both directions steal your joy…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 43 – Tapping Into Nature for Personal Energy

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 43 – Tapping Into Nature for Personal Energy

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Well-being
“Where focus goes, energy flows.” ~ Tony Robbins Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed, overloaded with more than you can possibly handle or accomplish, and weighted down by a lack of motivation or energy to get it all done? Are you struggling with falling asleep at night and waking up in the morning? Do you wish you had more energy, just to enjoy life and be there, fully present for your family and friends and loved ones? We’re all aware that Nature provides us with the resources we need to generate energy for running our homes and places of work, our automobiles, machines and technology. We rely on things like – Coal, Wood, Petroleum, Wind, Solar, Water for heating and sources of power. But how often do we think of turning…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 42 – Finding Your Way By Getting Lost

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 42 – Finding Your Way By Getting Lost

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity
"Not all who wander are lost..." ~ Gandalf   Do you ever feel like you’re caught on a merry-go-round, seeing the same old places, taking the same route to school or work, eating the same food, watching the same shows, thinking the same thoughts…rarely finding the element of joy or surprise in your life? There’s a saying that true happiness is when you can be on a detour and enjoy the scenery. In a world that is constantly accelerating faster and faster, we need to heed the call to learn of the Art of Slowing Down, and find the goodness and benefits that Nature has, just waiting for us to discover, partake in and enjoy. When was the last time you got lost in the woods?   When was the…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 41 – A Nature Awakening

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 41 – A Nature Awakening

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity, Well-being
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth, find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.  There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” ~ Rachel Carson (Author of Silent Spring)    A Nature Awakening for Mindfulness and Personal Growth We talk about it every day on this show, so why Mindfulness? Because life is more complete, more beautiful, poignant and worthwhile when you are awake. One of the best ways to make this happen is to set an intention and then do whatever it takes to set yourself up for success by putting yourself in places and situations that help you achieve mindfulness.  For me that is spending time…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 40 – Practicing Presence

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 40 – Practicing Presence

Meditation, Mindfulness, Podcast, Simplicity, Well-being
“When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh   Meditation has hit the mainstream big time as a primary way to deal with all the pressures, stress and anxiety that comes with life. It is also a great tool for achieving and enhancing relaxation, focus and even productivity. It helps optimize the brain and gives it a state of restful alertness. But I believe the best thing about meditation is it’s ability to help us be present and in the moment. How often have you gone through your day and at the end of it can barely recall what you did, who you were with or what happened that day? Life goes…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 39 – Can Nature Make Us Smarter?

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 39 – Can Nature Make Us Smarter?

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity
“Your IQ can tell you what you can do, but it can’t tell you how to do it.” ~ Oprah Winfrey   There have been so many recent findings and much scientific research on the topic of nature and our overall health and well-being.  Scientists are studying everything from how noise levels in our workplace and communities affect us, to what colors are the most effective psychologically for calming our spirits, and creating a sense of wellness in our lives. There have also been studies on the benefits of forest bathing – how trees affect our health, lower our blood pressure and cortisol levels, and help reduce stress. So we shouldn't be surprised by the findings that Nature is definitely good for our health, emotions and mental state, and that…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 38 – High Mountain Lake Meditation

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 38 – High Mountain Lake Meditation

Meditation, Mindfulness, Mountains, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity, Well-being
“Nature is not a place to visit.  It is home.” ~ Gary Snyder   There is a place you can always go deep inside your heart and mind.  A beautiful place you are cultivating deep within your being.  And the more time you spend there putting in good thoughts and gratitude and images of nature and health and well-being, the more beautiful and helpful this inner retreat center becomes. Like a beautiful, tranquil garden that is daily tended with love and purpose, you will find that in your times of stress and difficulty you will have a beautiful place to retreat to. There is nothing more important that you can be doing than taking care of yourself.  If you are not in a good place yourself, then neither you can…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 37 – Winter Animals (Part 4)

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 37 – Winter Animals (Part 4)

Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity
  Do you ever feel like you’re just living from pay check to pay check, trying to fill your life with things, attempting to buy your way to happiness…but not really living? At a time when people in the West have the highest standard of living that we have ever had, why is it that we are so empty and dissatisfied, always searching for more? More things to make us happy? We find ourselves so restless and always scratching and clawing for more. As humans we’re wired to become dissatisfied. We have an addiction and a craving for more. More, more, more… And we are encouraged to support and maintain the addiction through technology and information. All you have to do is turn on the TV or radio, open a…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 36 – Connecting with Animals (Part 2)

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 36 – Connecting with Animals (Part 2)

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Well-being
What would this world look like if we were the only living beings?” Not counting trees and plants of course. No cheery, warbling birdsong, no interesting movement in the air, on the ground or in the trees. No dogs barking, squirrels or rabbits playing, deer foraging or horses or cattle grazing. No tree frogs or crickets singing in the meadows and marshes, no fish biting and jumping in the ponds, rivers and lakes, no dolphins splashing or seagulls and shorebirds feeding in the ocean… No real mystery or wonder or possibility. Just a quiet, eerie planet with maybe a bit of wind blowing over the grassless plains. You see if there were no butterflies or bees to pollinate the flowers or birds to carry and drop seeds, if there were…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 35 – Connecting with Animals (Part 1)

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 35 – Connecting with Animals (Part 1)

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity, Well-being
  We share the planet with beautiful wildlife and amazing creatures and don’t even realize the benefits we receive from them. There is often an intuitive connection that we immediately feel when in the presence of a non-human living being.  One of the things that attracts us to animals and that we especially love about our pets is their authenticity and trusting nature.  What you see is what you get.  They don’t play games with your emotions or generally try to hide the truth.  You don’t have to walk on eggshells around them, (unless they’re chickens).  They just are who they are and love you unconditionally. Have you ever thought about how amazing this is? What a gift! Join us for today's show!  Come on in...   Photo…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 34 – Tree-Mend-Us Trees!

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 34 – Tree-Mend-Us Trees!

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
Have you ever really stopped to think about and appreciate how amazing trees are?  I mean, picture this – what would the world be like if we didn’t have them? Well for starters, we’d all be dead because we depend on trees to take our exhaled carbine dioxide and turn it into wonderful, life-giving oxygen that we kinda depend on. There are many more benefits that trees bring to the earth besides producing oxygen.  Aside from the fact that they are beautiful and provide a rich aesthetic quality to the landscape, they provide shade, they yield delicious fruit and nuts and provide shelter and living quarters for birds and smaller animals, they soothe and relax us, they reduce pollution, improve the beauty of our neighborhoods and surroundings, lower our energy…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 33 – Struggling With Stillness ~ Mindfulness 101

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 33 – Struggling With Stillness ~ Mindfulness 101

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
  “Why is it when I try to meditate, my mind wanders all over the place and I can’t seem to be still?” We all struggle with this annoying little monster in our daily meditation practice.  There’s this constant chatter going on in the back of our minds.  The voice and circular, recycled thoughts that won’t seem to go away no matter how hard you try. And who is that voice, by the way?  We listen to it all the time and think it’s us.  It is constantly narrating and talking and making judgments inside our head.  And it never shuts up.  It talks about, thinks about and judges everything and is never still.  It has a need to express worries and doubts and anxieties and all the things it…
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