Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 32 – Winter Animals (Part 3)

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 32 – Winter Animals (Part 3)

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
  Research has shown that just 15 minutes in nature can make you happier.  After just sitting outside in a park or forest for 15 minutes people reported that they began to feel psychologically restored. So what are you doing to give yourself that extra boost of Vitamin N here in the dead of winter? Join us for today's show as we continue our adventure in Thoreau's chapter called "Winter Animals" from his classic, "Walden". You'll feel better...even if it is just second-hand Vitamin N!   Fox photo by Victor Benard on Unsplash, Pheasant photo by Susan C. Smith   For more mountain goodness Listen on iTunes > [maxbutton id="8"]
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 31 – Creating Your Own Nature Zen Den

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 31 – Creating Your Own Nature Zen Den

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Success, Well-being
For some folks, winter-time is a time for personal hibernation, where you just want to crawl under the covers and eat and sleep and watch TV. Getting out in the frigid arctic air and taking a winter’s walk and getting some “Nature exposure” is the last thing you feel like doing. If you happen to be one of those kind of people, I have some good news for you!  There are plenty of other ways to get your Nature-fix" and stay mindfully inspired on a daily basis, capturing some of the goodness and benefits she has to offer without necessarily going outdoors or on a long hike or camping trip. You can set yourself up for success not only in connecting with nature, but for meditation by creating an environment…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 30 – Trusting the Process

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 30 – Trusting the Process

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
  Is there something in particular that is stressing you out right now, at this moment?  There is something you can do about it. Breathe.  Practice breathing every time you are aware that you are feeling stressed and you will begin to feel relief. No, it doesn’t necessarily immediately solve the problem, or pay the bill, or fix the relationship or whatever.  But what it does do is give you the balance and harmony and inner peace, strength and courage to realize that you have it within you whatever it takes to deal with the issues of the day in the moment. If we’re willing to just trust the process and not freak out, we can not only deal with the challenges that are coming at as at a thousand…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 29 – Starting a Nature Journal

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 29 – Starting a Nature Journal

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
  There are as many ways of connecting with Nature as there are people. One of my favorite, most meaningful ways is by keeping a Nature journal – a written record of some kind that captures your thoughts, observations and even drawings if you like, of all the natural world around you. It is interesting to note that the words Journal and Journey share the same Middle English root word – “diurnal” meaning “daily”. This can and should be a daily exercise that helps keep us grounded and rooted in not only our hearts to be in touch with what are thinking, feeling and experiencing, but in the world around us also. Most all the great naturalists kept journals of some sort that helped them make sense of the natural…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 28 – Winter Animals (Part 2)

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 28 – Winter Animals (Part 2)

Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
  Nature is so good at bringing us back to the present and keeping us in the moment because she offers so much goodness to observe and experience. To a lot of folks, the winter can seem like a really dead time, where everything lies cold and dormant and Nature is asleep.  And while that is partially true, there is so much life and activity going on unseen to the untrained eye. You can become an astute observer of nature and enjoy all the signs of life happening all around you even in the dead of winter.  All it takes is intention and a bit of good timing for you to see the little miracles that are constantly taking place no matter what time of year it is. Henry David…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 27 – The Gift of Mindfulness

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 27 – The Gift of Mindfulness

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Success, Well-being
  Wouldn't it be great if you could live in a constant state of joy and tranquility by being mindfully present on a day-to-day, moment-by-moment basis? We all struggle with simply being in the moment, and not making the past or future our permanent dwelling place.  It’s part of the human condition. We have become so stale in our obsessive recycled thoughts.  The best way to approach Beginner’s Mind is to open the front door of your spirit and let the fresh breeze blow through your soul, airing out all that is “known” and “tiresome” from your mind. Our purpose here at Mountain Zen Den is to help you discover and maintain Beginner’s Mind through your meditation and in your life by connecting with Nature. A Beginner’s Mind is a…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 26 – Taking a Multi-Sensory Nature Walk

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 26 – Taking a Multi-Sensory Nature Walk

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
  Remember how big and magical and wonderful the world was when you were a kid? Do you remember the joy of being outside on a beautiful summer day, and even though the days were long they went by so fast and you hated when the sun went down because you knew that meant that you’d have to go back inside your house soon? There is a seemingly forgotten, and unexpected joy we find when we step out of doors with the intention of using all of our senses and a child-like wonder. New wonders and discoveries are always waiting around the next corner. When you learn to be multi-sensory and intentionally aware, the concepts of boredom and apathy, fatigue and lethargy seem to evaporate like morning dew. As you…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 25 – Winter Animals (Part 1)

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 25 – Winter Animals (Part 1)

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
We're sitting in the dead of winter and I woke up thinking about going for a hike, hoping to see some wildlife, winter animals along the way.  Or at least their tell-tale tracks... While there are a variety of animals that will sleep away winter's chill in deep hibernation, there are many, many more who are well adapted to surviving bitter cold temperatures and a scarce food supply.  We can learn a lot from these wild teachers. Today we spend some tranquil moments enjoying the lessons of "Winter Animals" from "Walden" with Henry David Thoreau, the man who went to the woods to live deliberately...  We can do the same. Glad you're here!   Photos by Ray Hennessy and Noah Silliman on Unsplash  For more mountain goodness Listen…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 24 – Skygazing 101 (Learning to Raise Your Gaze)

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 24 – Skygazing 101 (Learning to Raise Your Gaze)

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
  On your journey to becoming a mindful naturalist, you’ll begin to increase your powers of observation of the beauties and wonders of the natural world all around you. You find yourself noticing things you hadn’t before and becoming keenly aware of the details of your environment and the Universe at its core. For instance, what is the sky doing right now? What is it telling you about the coming weather and what the day holds as far as the details of the weather, temperature and wind are concerned? How are the birds and other creatures, and even people responding to what’s happening right this minute outside? Learning to raise you gaze gives not only gives you clues about the weather and the season, but lifts your spirits and energy…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 23 – Schtuff Happens

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 23 – Schtuff Happens

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Well-being
We all live in a world where "bad" things happen every day, to varying degrees - things that discourage us and sometimes even make us just want to throw in the towel and say, "I give up!" They are a part of life and none of us are exempt from them. There's good news though!  In addition to healthy habits, positive and nurturing relationships and heartfelt prayer - God's gifts of Nature and Mindfulness are here to help ease the pain of all the "Schtuff" in our lives, give us renewed energy and provide a healthy perspective in dealing with it. Join us for today's show!   Photos by jens johnsson and Bryan Minear on Unsplash  For more mountain goodness Listen on iTunes > [maxbutton id="8"]
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 22 – Practicing Just Being

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 22 – Practicing Just Being

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Success, Well-being
  What if the only purpose we have in life was just To Be, and enjoy living in the now? Your work orders have been passed down from the Universe, and your mission, should you accept it is…you ready for this? To be YOU! Tall order, (for anybody besides you), cause you’re the only one who can do the job. So how do you be you?  A great way to discover who you are and find out how you can be a better you is to daily slow down, simplify and connect with Nature. Welcome to today's show!   Photos by Karl Fredrickson and Jad Limcaco on Unsplash  For more mountain goodness Listen on iTunes > [maxbutton id="8"]
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 21 – Happy New You!

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 21 – Happy New You!

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Success, Well-being
Time spent climbing a mountain, walking in a forest, breathing fresh air, listening to nature sounds, viewing beautiful nature scenes and soaking up Vitamin D enriched sunlight does so many incredible things for your body, mind and soul ~ Boosts the immune system. Lowers blood pressure. Reduces stress. Improves mood. Increases ability to focus, even in children with ADHD. Accelerates recovery from surgery or illness. Increases energy level. Improves sleep. And much, much more! So while you’re making new resolutions to break bad habits, eat more healthfully and work out every day, you really need to be intentionally creating ways to naturally increase your inner joy and happiness on a daily basis. You can start by setting a few simple nature habits and goals for the new year. Come on…
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 20 – Hibernation

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 20 – Hibernation

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Mountains, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Success, Uncategorized, Well-being
Hibernation is the pause in Nature's "Great Waltz". In the dead of winter here in the mountains, everything appears to be lying dormant, sleeping.  Beautiful and still.  Snow brings a muffled hush to the already still environment and all you can hear is the wind whispering through the steadfast pines. Not far from here, Rocky Mountain National Park gets over 4 million visitors a year, mostly during the summer and fall.  Now all is quiet, lonely and peaceful, hiding the life within.  To the casual observer it is now empty, desolate and lifeless.  But nothing could be further from the truth... To everything there is a season.  A time and place for every purpose under heaven.  Nature has her rhythms and all its creatures dance in time to the music. …
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Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 19 – Listen

Mountain Zen Den Podcast ~ Episode 19 – Listen

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simple Living, Simplicity, Success, Well-being
I have a stone in my studio with one word on it.  It says, "Listen". Ironically, I received it in a gift exchange from a guy whose wife had given it to him. You think she was trying to tell him something? One of the best things you can do to show someone that you care about them is to Listen to them. In fact, the three words that people long to hear even more than even “I love you” is “I hear you…”. Active listening also happens to be one of the hardest things in the world to do. Why is this? Because it requires so much focus, and attention, intentional awareness, and frankly… caring.  And while it can take so much energy and focus, listening in nature can…
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Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 18 – Beginner’s Mind

Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 18 – Beginner’s Mind

Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nature, Personal Growth, Podcast, Simplicity, Success, Well-being
Start every day with Beginner's Mind.   It's that time of year again when we look back at the year we just came through and ahead to the following one, making plans, goals and New Year's resolutions. The way to ensure those resolutions are kept this year is to start every day with Beginner's Mind.  It helps us form and keep new habits by changing the way we think, forming new neural pathways in our brain and doing things in a mindful and meaningful way. Look at the world through new lenses.  Be curious about everything.  Ask questions.  And be thankful... As you slow down and take time for silence and mindfulness you are doing a world of good for your overall health and mental, physical and emotional well-being.  Your…
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