Mountain Zen Den ~ Ep. 137 – 30-Day Nature Reset – Day 1
30-Day Nature Reset, Inspiration, Meditation, Nature, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Personal Transformation, Podcast, Self-Development, Spiritual Growth, Well-being
Welcome to the mountain! How are your New Year’s goals and resolutions holding up? No cause for guilt or shame. No need to feel bad. On the journey toward wholeness, every day is Day 1. A fresh start. Every day offers an opportunity to learn and grow and begin again. Abraham Maslow, (you know - the hierarch of needs guy), observed, “What one can be one must be”. You and I were created for a purpose. And deep within each of us is the desire to grow and fulfill that purpose. We become restless, (or something even worse), when that purpose is ignored or stuffed down. This is the root of unhappiness and all sorts of sorrows, struggles, and addictions. As we step into the new year we have yet…