Welcome to the mountain!
How are your New Year’s goals and resolutions holding up?
No cause for guilt or shame. No need to feel bad. On the journey toward wholeness, every day is Day 1. A fresh start. Every day offers an opportunity to learn and grow and begin again.
Abraham Maslow, (you know – the hierarch of needs guy), observed,
“What one can be one must be”.
You and I were created for a purpose. And deep within each of us is the desire to grow and fulfill that purpose. We become restless, (or something even worse), when that purpose is ignored or stuffed down. This is the root of unhappiness and all sorts of sorrows, struggles, and addictions.
As we step into the new year we have yet another opportunity to be grateful for the chance to align with nature and to GROW. To grow and purposefully evolve into the person you know you were meant to be and to live the life you were meant to live. To connect with Nature for mindfulness and personal growth. That’s what Mountain Zen Den is all about.
Why Nature?
“The history of humankind is inseparably intertwined with the natural world.”
Because “in the movement and stirrings of the seasons, in the silence and stillness found in Nature we are invited into an inward journey where, if we listen we can hear the gentle whisper calling us to reunite with our deepest selves, that part of us that we have inadvertently lost along the way.” That voice ultimately shows the way to the weary wanderer.
Why inward journey?
Because, as Rick Rubin reminds us,
“Our inner world is every bit as interesting, beautiful, and inspiring as nature itself. It is, after all, born of nature.”
Probably like me, you have felt the change and downward pull of the world over the past few years. If you can relate I have some good news!
My good friend Erik Stensland and I have collaborated in creating a 30-Day Nature Reset.
This 30-Day Nature Reset offers beautiful and inspiring videos of meditative reflections on Nature and the “inward journey”.
Each of these 2 to 5-minute nature videos features chapters from Erik’s award-winning book, (now an audiobook as well), Whispers in the Wilderness, have been designed to help keep you on track with your new year’s goals and resolutions. They will guide you on an inward journey through deep and contemplative reflections on Nature through the spoken word, accompanied by thoughtful music and the rich sounds of the natural world.
Erik is one of the most gifted and accomplished nature photographers in the world.
His books and stunning mountain and desert images are breathtaking, reaching deep into the heart and paralleling the human soul, tying Nature in with our humanity. They have won several national awards, including Best Travel Book of the Year, Best Nature and Environment Book of the Year, and Best Inspirational Book of the Year.
He has spent nearly twenty years celebrating the beauty of the natural world through photography and encouraging all of us to listen to the whisper within that calls us to a deeper life.
Along with his Images of the Desert Gallery in New Mexico, he owns Images of RMNP based right here in Estes Park, Colorado at the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park.
Erik has become a very dear friend and is one of the kindest, humble, and thoughtful people on the planet. And now I am proud to be introducing him to you.
Together we hope you decide to join the movement, connecting with Nature for mindfulness, well-being, and personal transformation.
If you are listening on the podcast and would like to watch the YouTube video as well, go to the show notes and open the podcast link on the Mountain Zen Den website. There, you can watch the video i n the show notes
Today we begin with Day 1 Introduction. So take a deep breath, straighten your shoulders, soften your forehead, smile, and enjoy!
Photos by Erik Stensland
Whispers in the Wilderness by Erik Stensland – https://www.rockytrailpress.com/
Images of RMNP – https://www.imagesofrmnp.com/
Erik Stensland – https://www.erikstensland.com/
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