Today, is the day before Thanksgiving, and as I intentionally stop and breathe and just Be, one word comes to mind. Thankful.
This past year has been a year of Growth and Gratitude for us. We just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for choosing to be on this journey of Mindfulness in Nature at Mountain Zen Den, and we pray for your continued growth and well-being.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year because everything hinges on Gratitude.
Without it, life would ultimately be an empty series of drab days coming and going with no meaning or purpose. Without it, we are unable to see or appreciate the beauty and wonder found in the Natural World that surrounds us. And it is everywhere…
In the haunting call of the geese overhead as their wings beat the chill fall air. In the warmth and scent of pine needles, hot chocolate, cinnamon and the crackling fire radiating from the wood stove. And in the light shining in the eyes of the ones you love who are gathered around the table. We are invited to live in the moment, receive and be grateful.
This Thanksgiving as you contemplate all the blessings the past year has brought, may you find Joy in the simple things — Tranquility in your heart — and Love in the family and friends who surround you.
It’s a great day to be alive, and it’s a great time to slow down a bit and practice presence and awareness.
Today, we’re going to do something we’ve never done before here at Mountain Zen Den. We’re going to revisit an early episode and meditation called “Cultivating Gratitude. I rarely go back and listen to these podcast episodes, but I thought this one was unusually pertinent seeing that we just celebrated veteran’s day and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Sort of a no brainer… So now as we dig into the evergreen archives I invite you to sit back and receive the goodness and benefits of the gift of Gratitude…
“With Thanksgiving only a couple weeks away, I think it’s appropriate that we revisit the concept of Gratefulness and Appreciation; that we practice cultivating Gratitude. When we slow down enough to get out of autopilot, and actually stop and look around – while there are probably lots of things we would like to change in the world and especially in our lives – there is way more to be grateful for than to complain about. It’s all where you put your focus.
Having just celebrated Veteran’s Day here in America, I think of these incredible war heroes who come back from serving their country with only half the body parts they left with, and their attitude and focus is on gratitude for being given the opportunity to serve. They’ve decided to concentrate their energies on what they can do vs. what they can’t. Their focus and determination, and especially appreciation for all the wonderful, and truly important things in life are so inspiring.
These are my heroes. The ones who give their all…and I mean ALL so that we can have a safer, more humane world.
I never really thought of it before, but I find it very appropriate that we celebrate Veteran’s Day just before we celebrate Thanksgiving.
If you are vet, and happen to be listening to this today, I want to say, “Thank you”! From the bottom of my heart I am grateful and inspired by your sacrifice and giving spirit. You make this world a better place and we truly appreciate it.
Gratitude isn’t just a state of mind or of being, it is a Gift. The spirit of Gratitude comes with its own blessings. The more we appreciate, the more we are able to receive. Gratitude opens our hearts for an abundant harvest of goodness in all areas of our lives.
The Universe naturally flows towards a grateful heart because that heart is open and receptive to receiving more.
So, with that in mind, what are you grateful for today?
Don’t worry if nothing immediately comes to mind. Gratitude, like any other discipline requires practice and focused energy. When we ask a question, it sets the brain into motion to try and find the answer. So ask yourself often and sincerely, “What am I grateful for?”
For your health? For a chance to draw another breath? How about your senses; the gifts of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch? What about a place to live? The simple pleasures and comforts of life that we daily take for granted, things like shelter and warmth and running water, HOT running water, and food, pets, books, and education.
Do others in your life know how much you love and appreciate them? These are just a few thoughts to help get you started as you search your heart for what you are grateful for. Like hitting oil or digging for treasure, the deeper you dig, the more you will find.
It seems counterintuitive, but as I mentioned Gratitude, like any other quality or state of being requires practice.
So let’s practice.”
Photo Brett Wilson
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