Here at Mountain Zen Den, our Wednesday podcast features passages from Walden and other great classics that relate to cultivating the wisdom, mindfulness and simplicity found in the natural world as offered by some of the most influential naturalists, writers, philosophers and poets of our past.
Walden Wednesday is all about taking a little time in our favorite nature setting on a regular basis to help still the heart and mind, and slow you down enough to absorb the thoughts, ideas, philosophies and writings of some of the greatest thinkers we’ve ever known. And then at the end we give you a little time to just “Be”, and soak in these treasures to settle into your inner being and hopefully, become a part of who you are as a fully-awake, fully-present, alive and aware, intentionally growing human being.
Today, we pick up where we left off last Wednesday and contemplate what it really means to be a “Philosopher”, and the question,
“Am I fully present for and living the life I desire and wholly believe in…fully present for the meeting of two eternities?”
So now, I invite you to settle in and take a deep breath as we continue a passage from the chapter titled “Economy” from the classic, Walden: or, Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau.
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